Reasons for Firearms Training
- Gun Safety and Handling
- Learn Skills and Techniques
- Shooting Accuracy
- Self Defense and Protection
- Online Training at Affordable Price
- Hands On Training at a Local Range
- Online Lectures, Testing, and Videos
- Highly Trained Local Instructors

Ohio Concealed Handgun License
The training will consist of covering the Ohio Concealed Carry handbook, laws, rules, regulations, firearm safety, and much more. There will be a section during the training that is provided by a local attorney, who will be covering the laws.
For complete assistance please visit:
Ohio Attorney General Website
Welcome to
ZombieCCW teaches the State of Ohio’s minimum requirements for CCW, gun safety and much more. Your training, while economical, will be provided in the most efficient manner, by highly trained firearms trainers. Whether you just purchased your first firearm and need basic gun training, or have handled guns for years , ZombieCCW has the curriculum, facilities and instructors to bring out the most, and best, in you. Improve your safe gun handling, accuracy, speed and defensive tactics. What should this mean to you? It means the difference between winning or losing, being the victor or the victim, living or dying. When it comes to your life, and the lives of your loved ones, only the best will do. You owe it to yourself and your family to get the best firearms training, at a reasonable price.
About the Owner
I served in the USMC reserve for 8 years. During that time I trained as a Military Police Officer. I received honors for high shooter of the year, shot expert with the rifle and pistol. I am currently a full time Police Officer in the State of Ohio. Some of my responsibilities include Field Training Officer, Evidence Technician, and Firearms Instructor. I received my OPOTA firearms certification on the shotgun, semi-automatic pistol, revolver, police carbine, and sub-machine gun. I am a member of multiple local firearm ranges, and enjoy taking advantage of the second amendment every chance I get.
My purpose for this course is to teach others how to become the best shooter they can be, provide more opportunities for them to train in new methods and techniques, and to assist my fellow Ohioans in obtaining their Concealed Handgun License.

What Is A Concealed Handgun License?

How to Carry Concealed Weapon?

Ohio Concealed Carry Training
The training will consist of 5.5 hours of online classroom training, and 2.5 hours of hands on firearms training and safety practices.
Registration is $75
New Registration System coming soon!
Location: Miami Township, Ohio
Phone: 937-701-9906